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No, this isn?€™t a Halloween tip, but some of my patients may be shocked to hear me make a drug suggestion.

There are some times when a situation occurs that is VERY painful (flared arthritis, extreme menstrual cramps, headaches, etc.) Since people frequently take some meds to help in these situations I wanted to let you know which over-the-counter pain medicine has tested least harmful. In comparing Tylenol, Motrin, aspirin, and Aleve, the Aleve has tested the least harmful as a general rule. Any medication needs to be processed by the liver in order to become active, but some of these medications put more of a stress on the liver as well as the kidneys, stomach, and brain.

I would of course always recommend that the supplement, Total Inflam be tried first for pain and inflammation. I?€™ve taken as many as 4 every half hour in intense situations and it has been very successful for myself and many people. But if the situation is more intense and it is before you are able to get in to see me (or the ER if it is really bad) the Aleve may assist you with the least harm.
