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A Tip from Susan: Do you have breasts or know someone who has breasts?

There is a huge campaign regarding breast cancer awareness and pink ribbons are seemingly on half the products for sale nowadays. A major lifestyle factor that I have never seen in mainstream references on breast cancer prevention is how important it is to not wear underwire bras. Although many such bras now use plastic rather than wire, the effect of decreasing the lymph flow in the breasts and underarm area is the same. The purpose of lymph is to remove toxins from tissues and underwire bras interfere with this. I believe that the increased toxicity increases the likelihood of breast cancer development.

I recommend that women wear cotton bras and do gentle but thorough massage of the breasts and armpit areas each evening after removing it. Several are made that can give the support needed. One catalog company that has such bras is GAIAM.com. They have a lighter support organic cotton bra and also full support bras with either front or back closures.

I understand if you want to have a totally sexy, create-cleavage type of bra for date nights or special occasions. However, I strongly discourage using such a bra for daily wear.

By making the bra change, adding in the daily massage, and avoiding antiperspirants with aluminum or even deodorants with chemicals such as propylene glycol, women are doing a lot toward increased breast health.






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