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Do Your Feet Turn Out?

I love to people watch--at the mall, at airports, all over. I have noticed that a lot of people stand or walk with their feet turning outward, instead of straight ahead. Although different imbalances can contribute to this, a common one is large intestine dysfunction. The reason is that the large intestine is related to a hip muscle whose job is to inwardly rotate the leg. If the large intestine isn?€™t working well, that muscle can be weak and overpowered by the outward rotating muscles, hence the outward foot positions.

This is another clue that you can use to determine if there is an imbalance in the body before it turns into a bigger problem.

Other indicators of possible large intestine dysfunction are dark circles under the eyes, less than three bowel movements per day, and soreness if you squeeze the web muscle between the thumb and index finger. If you have these conditions, let me know at your next appointment so we can get your body working better.
