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Need To Eat More Veggies?


Most of us don?€™t eat as many vegetables as are recommended, and needed by our bodies. For some of my patients and family members it has helped to add 1-2 per day of a supplement called Total Veggie. It seems a little like some old science fiction movies where the people didn?€™t eat at all and only took a pill for their nutrients. However, if you know your willingness to prepare and eat enough vegetables isn?€™t where it should be this can be a help. It contains organic wheat grass sprouts, cauliflower sprouts, broccoli sprouts, cabbage sprouts, kale sprouts, red clover sprouts, parsley, carrot, oat sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, asparagus, and okra. In addition, it has 2 types of mushrooms that promote health and vitality, as well as green tea extract and other helpful nutrients.

It is available at our office and costs $37.00 for 90 tablets. Come on in and pick one up or we can ship it to you.
