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Acitvia yougart--not recommended

I have recently had some patients asking about Activia yogurt and whether they should eat it to benefit their digestive system. The answer is "no". This is another example of the power of mega million dollar marketing companies. A few buzz words and a theoretically trustworthy celebrity does not equal a truly helpful product.
It has tested badly on the patient's that have brought it in. The one in my hand now (the peach flavor) contains fructose syrup (the 2nd ingredient) and sugar (the 4th ingredient). It also has corn starch and modified corn starch as ingredients. Yuck!!
If you want to have beneficial bacteria for your digestive system it is best to have me test our for the best supplement for your body. Different people's bodies have different needs and there is no reason to guess.
If you want to eat yogurt it is also best to get tested. Especially if your body has a Candida (yeast) overabundance that isn't resolved fully yet. As a general rule, the Stonyfield Organic Lowfat and the Wallaby Organic lowfat yogurts more frequently test ok or even helpful. These both contain potentially beneficial organisms and the sugar they use is more tolerable for more people. This is not a carte ok for those yogurts for everyone, though. It's always best to test.
