
Giving up one?€™s microwave oven is one of the hardest lifestyle changes for many of my patients to make. Since I?€™ve never been a microwave user, the missed convenience isn?€™t something I?€™ve experienced. When not using one it definitely takes some thinking and planning ahead to have food thawed and/or cooked when needed.

Having a high quality toaster oven can go a long way toward helping. I recommend that you get one with a convection oven feature as well ?€“ it decreases cooking time. Be sure to get one that has an enamel or steel baking pan rather than an aluminum one. Many of my family members are very happy with our DeLonghi toaster ovens. My mom has had hers for about 10-12 years and it?€™s still working great.

To thaw frozen meat, we just put it in a Ziploc baggie and then into a large stainless bowl in the sink with hot water in it. You can keep a light flow of hot water from the tap going into it or change out the water frequently to speed up the process. It takes only about 5 minutes to defrost a couple of turkey cutlets and maybe 25-30 minuets for a pound of ground turkey.

Many people have the idea that ?€?just reheating?€™ in the microwave is OK but it still creates the same harmful effects. (See my previous tips and article on microwaves for more info.) It helps to have enough small pots and pans for stove top re-heating and cooking.

When you are trying to heal and rebuild body parts and/or grow a healthy body, NOT using the microwave goes a HUGE way toward helping those goals.
