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A Tip from Susan Regarding Pickles

If you didn?€™t know, most pickle makers use a form of aluminum called alum in their processing. The alum is responsible for giving pickles a crisp, crunchy texture.

Although I am not a pickle maker, there are apparently at least two different methods used ?€“ fermented or quick-process. Per the USDA the alum is unnecessary even in the fermented process pickles, which is the type that usually uses it.

If you make your own pickles (does anybody still do this?) the Kansas State University Extension info line recommends a safer method of soaking the cucumbers in ice water for four to five hours prior to pickling them.

For the rest of you pickle eaters a brand that has tested as aluminum-free are Bubbies Pickles. They are not prepared in any sort of aluminum and there is no alum of any form used in the production or processing of any of the ingredients contained within the product. They are naturally fermented in salt water brine using no artificial ingredients or preservatives. Their dill pickles are in the refrigerator section and are sold mostly through health food stores such as Nature?€™s Food Patch, Whole Foods, Wild Oats, etc.

I?€™m not a pickle connoisseur but I do like the taste of their dill pickles and my seven year old daughter likes them in her school lunches. They are the only ones that I recommend at this time. Enjoy!

