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Use Your Dryer Sheets for Pest Repellant

A Tip from Susan regarding Dryer Sheets:

If you use scented laundry products like dryer sheets and/or laundry detergents I strongly suggest that you switch to unscented. The fragranced products have been a contributing cause to patients?€™ symptoms such as hot flashes, hives, asthma, and sinusitis. And to be totally opinionated (as I have been known to be J), I suggest not using the dryer sheets at all. I tested several types of dryer sheets at the grocery store with my daughter and they all tested as toxic, even the unscented ones. But if you insist on using dryer sheets, at least if you use the unscented ones you won?€™t be exposed to fragrance as well as the other toxins. And you won?€™t smell like half the population. I personally think that Bounce Dryer sheet fragrance is the most used fragrance, even if unwittingly.

If you decide to stop using the scented dryer sheets in your laundry but you just don?€™t want to throw them out, it is promoted on the internet that they are very effective as pest repellant. To get rid of ants, or even mice around house foundations, place a dryer sheet nearby; to repel mosquitoes, tie a dryer sheet through a belt loop. See, even the varmints know that the stuff in the dryer sheets isn?€™t good!!


