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About Being an "Armchair Doctor"

Sometimes I?€™m an ?€?Armchair?€? Doctor. This is similar to an armchair quarterback who watches football games from home and ?€?knows?€? how to run the game. When I attend, watch on TV, or read about different sporting events, there are many times that I get frustrated. Not just by how our teams may be doing, but mostly by the many injury reports that come up with the players.

I frequently feel that I know different ways (of course, better) to address their body issues & decided that instead of just talking to myself or my husband about what I would check for and treat, that I will offer up the ideas on my blog at www.drplayer.com. If anyone reading these has a way to get me in direct communication with the involved player or the team trainer or doctor, let me know.




Effects of HEAT

During football games, they talk about the heat index and players get taken out of the game, because they are dizzy, etc. I keep thinking that if they had these guys taking cell salts and good quality water (instead of Gatorade), they wouldn?€™t have to be doing all these IV?€™s and stuff.


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