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Broccoli Fights Dangerous Stomach Bacteria!

A recent article I read had some interesting news I wanted to share with you.

?€?Four new studies, presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, provided a grocery list of foods which may help in preventing stomach, skin and breast cancer. In fact, these preliminary studies show that the chemicals in some foods directly interact with some carcinogens and the body?€™s own cells to provide a strong defense against would-be cancer causers.
Researchers from John Hopkins University have found that sulforaphane, a chemical found in broccoli sprouts, is effective in fighting a dangerous bacteria and the stomach inflammation it causes. Patients with infections caused by the bacteria H.pylori were directed to eat 100 grams of broccoli sprouts for two months. Afterwards, patients had a significantly lowered amount of the bacteria in their stomach compared to a group eating a similar amount of alfalfa sprouts, a relative of the broccoli sprout which is much lower in sulforaphane."

Several studies have shown that stomach inflammation, or gastritis, is a major cause of stomach cancer, particularly when it goes unchecked over a long period of time. Broccoli sprouts prevent and reduce stomach inflammation and, therefore, may also be a weapon against stomach cancer. If that?€™s not enough, another group of researchers from Dartmouth Medical School have shown that the same compound in broccoli sprouts that protects against stomach cancer may also protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun.?€?
In my office I have just received a new product called ?€?Total Green Protein?€? containing broccoli sprouts along with other veggies which can be made into a whey based shake. We also have ?€?Total Veggie?€? tablets which contain the broccoli sprouts and more. If you are interested, I could test either of these products on you. Just call to schedule a short appointment.