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Tachyon disks negate the dangers of cell phone use

Tachyon disk.jpg

For years I have found through testing that cell phones created harm to the brain (as well as the thyroid and thymus glands frequently), and recommended using them as little as possible. I had looked into some anti-radiation devices, but they were either ineffective, very large and/or very expensive.

After one of my patients recently introduced me to Tachyon discs I tested them on patients and they work!! And they are very small and relatively inexpensive.

If you?€™d like, I can test your cell phone and see how it is negatively affecting your body, and confirm that the Tachyon disc is negating the harm. If your children use cell phones, be sure that their phones have discs on them, too!

You can schedule a time for the testing or, you can just buy a disc and start using it. They are available at our office for $22.00.

Thanks, Tommy! Your research on this was great!